序号 |
作者 |
论文名称 |
获奖等级 |
1 |
乔丽萍 |
Designing two sp3 hybridization polymorphs of BN :A comprehensive study |
一等奖 |
2 |
贺平 |
旋毛虫胞外囊泡及其miRNA对巨噬细胞和成纤维细胞的调控作用研究 |
一等奖 |
3 |
宋俊芳 |
Video Anomaly Detection Based on Optical Flow Feature Enhanced Spatio-temporal Feature Network FusionNet-LSTM-G |
二等奖 |
4 |
樊瑶 |
A Generative Image Inpainting Model Based on Edge and Feature Self-Arrangement Constraints |
二等奖 |
5 |
郑古峥玥 |
Dietary Diversity and Inflammatory Diet Associated with All-Cause Mortality and Incidence and Mortality of Type 2 Diabetes:Two Prospective Cohort Studies |
二等奖 |
6 |
袁心怡 |
Site-selective covalently immobilized alpha 1A adrenergic receptor for thermodynamic and extra-thermodynamic study of four ligands |
二等奖 |
7 |
张传庆 |
边疆民族地区国有企业社会责任影响因素与路径研究—一项模糊集定性比较分析 |
二等奖 |
8 |
冀旭 |
Screening potential ligands of endothelin receptor A from Choerospondias axillaris and evaluation of their drug-like properties by affinity chromatographic methods |
三等奖 |
9 |
毋瑞朋 |
Eating disorders symptoms and depressive symptoms in Chinese Tibetan University studts network nalsi |
三等奖 |
10 |
于专利 |
农村电商政策促进西藏农牧民增收效应研究 |
三等奖 |
11 |
闫超仁 |
Multifunctional Carbon-Dot-Photosensitizer Nanoassemblies for InhibitingAmyloid Aggregates,Suppressing Microbial Infection,and Overcoming the Blood-Brain Barrier |
三等奖 |
12 |
李捷 |
Emission characteristics and assessment of potential health risks on PM2.5-bound organics from incense burning |
三等奖 |
13 |
何树梅 |
Tibetan medicine salidroside improves host anti-mycobacterial response by boosting inflammatory cytokine production in zebrafish |
三等奖 |
14 |
王颖婷 |
Effect of Sleep Quality on Anxiety and Depression Symptoms among College Students in China' s Xizang Region: The Mediating Effect of Cognitive Emotion Regulation |
三等奖 |
( 文:科研处/审核:张传庆)